Go Green with A Sunroom in Your Atlanta Home
Many Atlanta area homeowners are becoming increasingly more committed to reducing their carbon footprints. One way to decrease your home’s environmental impact is to add a sunroom to your home. Homeowners that invest in sunrooms in metro Atlanta can add both beauty and efficiency to their homes.
A sunroom will help to decrease your home’s environmental impact by:
• Maximizing natural light: By using the natural light that streams into a sunroom, a homeowner can reduce the home’s electricity usage and rely less on the home’s furnace. Energy efficient glass keeps the room warm during the winter months and cool during the summer months.
• Resisting air leaks: High-quality sunroom construction includes a roof that is sealed to block air leakage. These seals prevent warm air from escaping, block cold air from entering, and reduce the dependency on a home’s furnace.
• Serving multiple purposes: Your home’s sunroom is a great place to relax, read a book, and enjoy your family. But, it can serve many other purposes as well. A sunroom is an excellent place to hang clothes to naturally air dry or start your summer garden. Using this space for multiple purposes can can help decrease your carbon footprint.
DC Enclosures is proud to serve as a premier builder of sunrooms in Metro Atlanta. Contact us today to learn more about the products we offer and the services we provide.